Astrology Meri Shehu has made the Horoscope prediction for only two signs.
According to the astrologer, there are two signs that will fall psychologically on February 17 and 18.
Horoscope prediction, according to Meri Shehu:
Since last night, the Moon has moved into Gemini and as Saturday starts off relaxed and in the mood to go out, do our shopping and plans for the evening, its opposition to Saturn in Pisces will not only make us serious enough , will make us feel inadequate and fill us with a sense of failure or that no matter what we try, we will not succeed.
The two signs that will fall psychologically today, will feel that they have failed and will lose their spontaneity and optimism are Gemini and Sagittarius. It is possible that something will happen at home or in their business that will affect them negatively, as Saturn hits their 4th and 10th houses.
The best thing for them is to do something that makes them forget or devote themselves to work and other obligations, because due to the emotional state, they may get stressed and get worse.
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