Moderator Bora Zemani was invited to the show "S'e luan Topi" on Top Channel, where she talked not only about the movie "5 Herë No", but also about her love story with Donald Veshajn.
Bora told between emotions how she met Donald for the first time and how she understood from the beginning that they were meant for each other.
"We did not meet on television, we were invited to a recital. There we met and got to know each other. Our eyes must seek each other. Donald's eyes hit me from the first moment. I knew that one of the twins was connected, when I saw Donald, I said to him, I'm not the one connected. And when I found out I was freed. Donald took the steps first, but it was clear from the beginning. We kept our eyes on each other, the messages started until we met, we met for a while and the conversation went on until the early hours of the morning. Humor was the first thing that connected us a lot with each other. I laughed so much with the messages. I didn't know the names of the chunas. I was with my close friends, one found Donald's name and goes to the story and says 'this is what I found'. I tell him my name will come out. It takes me a screenshot that I had seen in the story, I finally found it. This was the first message, then the communication began", said Bora.
She also revealed that the beginnings of their relationship were difficult, and that the two were very jealous of each other.
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