Tue. Jul 23rd, 2024

Bardhi reacted after the conflicts between his partner Sara and Ilnisa.

He expressed in the 'Prime' of Big Brother VIP 3, that Ilnisa is playing dirty games, an opinion that he had not had before.

"I was very disturbed by the word, but as my friend's friend, I did not speak. Ilnisa has played dirty. I think about it now, I wish I didn't. I had a very good relationship with him. I told him that he had my mother's votes. But at the moment I think he played dirty. Even if it wasn't Sara, I would have reacted. I have criticized both. If I continue to be mentioned together with Meriton, we will react, we will play dirty", he said.

We remember that Bardhi spoke in favor of Ilnisa's wedding with Meriton, and not for his wedding with Sara, and this upset the latter a lot.

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