Norwegian author, playwright and poet Jon Fosse has been announced as the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature. According to the Swedish Academy, the award is given to "his innovative plays and prose that gives voice to the unspeakable".
The BBC reports that, in addition to the award, Fosse will receive 11 million Swedish kronor (£822,000), while admitting he was shocked and somewhat scared by the news.
"All of Norway wishes and is proud today. A great recognition of a unique authority that impresses and touches people around the world!”, wrote the Norwegian Prime Minister, Jonas Gahr Støre, on social networks.
According to the academy, his novels are summarized in a style that has been known as "fosse minimalism".
"The prize organizers said Fosse could be compared to earlier great modernist writers such as fellow Norwegian Tarjei Vesaas as well as Samuel Beckett, Thomas Bernhard, Georg Trakl and Franz Kafka.", writes the BBC.
Source: BBC /Labyrinth
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