Is the weather sunny or rainy today?
The country will be dominated by alternating clear and cloudy skies today, but rain is expected in the afternoon. Temperatures will…
The country will be dominated by alternating clear and cloudy skies today, but rain is expected in the afternoon. Temperatures will…
The morning started out sunny, but it looks like the day will be rainy. Temperatures will vary: -in…
On the weekend, the weather will be sunny and slightly higher temperatures. They will range from:…
Our country today will be dominated by alternating clear and cloudy skies and from time to time there will be…
The entire territory of the country will be rainy today. Temperatures will vary: - in mountainous areas,...
Even today the weather in our country will be stable. Temperatures will experience an increase of…
Today the weather will be clear, cloudy, but also rain. Temperatures will experience an increase of…
Sot dita ka nisur me shi dhe si duket kështu do të vazhdojë. Temperaturat do të pësojnë një…
Moti sot do të jetë me vranësira dhe reshje shiu. Temperaturat do të variojnë: -në zonat malore, nga…
Edhe sot moti në vendin tonë do të jetë me kthjellime dhe vranësira. Temperaturat do të pësojnë një…