Meteorology shows when the weather will warm up
Meteoalb's Meteorologist, Adiola Bani said that starting from noon on Thursday until the weekend it will…
Meteoalb's Meteorologist, Adiola Bani said that starting from noon on Thursday until the weekend it will…
The weather today will be alternating between clear and cloudy that will bring unstable weather to it...
Edhe sot moti do të jetë me alternime kthjellimesh dhe vranësirash, por në zonat malore nuk përjashtohet mundësia…
Sot moti do të jetë i qëndrueshëm në të gjithë territorin. Ndërkohë temperaturat do të pësojnë një rritje…
On Wednesday and Thursday, temperatures will rise and will be the hottest days of…
The weather will be stable throughout the territory today. While the temperatures will suffer a…
The week started with clear weather, so even today the day is warm and sunny. Learned...
Moti sot do të jetë me diell, vranësira dhe shi, pra i paqëndrueshëm. Temperaturat do të varijojnë: -në…
Today the weather will be sunny and partly cloudy. Temperatures will vary: - in mountainous areas,...
The day will start with rain across the country, but the sun will come out in the afternoon. Temperatures will…