Olta: Kristi, the person who disappointed me the most in BBV, Keisi told her that you don't want me outside
Actress Olta Gixhari has made a live video on Instagram. She said that she was disappointed by Kristi because...
Actress Olta Gixhari has made a live video on Instagram. She said that she was disappointed by Kristi because...
Actress Olta Gixhari met Armaldo Kllogjeri outside the Big Brother Vip house. Olta has published a...
Aktorja Olta Gixhari ishte e ftuar në emisionin “Më lër të flas”, ku tha se Amar ishte arsyeja…
Olta Gixhari said yesterday evening, after leaving Big Brother Vip, that the winner will be Luiz...
Luiz Ejli was very upset by the departure of Olta Gixhari from the house of Big Brother Vip. Like him…
Actress Olta Gixhari left the Big Brother Vip house tonight, as she misses her son Amar. Before…
The resident of Big Brother Vip, Olta Gixhari has decided to leave the most famous house in Albania. The news…
Teksa po bisedonte me Dea Mishelin, Olta Gixharit i janë mbushur sytë me lot. Ajo i tha se…
Fotoja e marrë nga Big Brother Vip
Gerta Gixhari, motra e Olta Gixharit ka reaguar ndaj Luiz Ejllit, i cili deklaroi se, “do i jap…