Video/ "They are copying Luiz and Kiara", the winner of BBV2 reacts after Sonila Meço's comment
Journalist Sonila Meço was invited to the Big Brother Fan Club yesterday, where she also talked about the winner...
Journalist Sonila Meço was invited to the Big Brother Fan Club yesterday, where she also talked about the winner...
Moderatorja Fjodora Fjora e ftuar në emisionin “Big Brother Radio” ka shprehur mendimin e saj në lidhje me…
Moderatorja Kiara Tito dhe këngëtari Luiz Ejlli ndajnë shpesh në rrjetet sociale detaje nga jeta e tyre e…
Moderator Kiara Tito has posted some photos of her rounded belly. She shows that she is in the week of…
Moderator Kiara Tito has published behind the scenes of the surprise that her partner Luiz Ejlli had prepared for his birthday. In…
Moderator Kiara Tito celebrates her 28th birthday tonight and her partner Luiz Ejlli made sure that everything was...
Producer Ermal Mamaqi was invited today to "Wake Up", where, among other things, he also spoke...
Moderatorja Kiara Tito feston sot 28-vjetorin e lindjes. Dje në mbrëmje bashkëshorti i saj, Luiz Ejlli i kishte…
Moderator Kiara Tito's aunt celebrates her birthday today. Both the moderator and her husband have congratulated her...
Moderatorja Kiara Tito tregoi vetëm disa ditë më parë se është në javën e 22-të të shtatzënisë. E…