Rakacolli: The existing measures are still in force
The chairperson of the Technical Committee of Experts, Mira Rakacolli, said today that the curfew in our country within...
The chairperson of the Technical Committee of Experts, Mira Rakacolli, said today that the curfew in our country within...
Given that today is the deadline for the curfew imposed a few days ago by...
Ardit Gjebrea ia hodhi koronavirusit! Lajmin e dha vetë ai me një postim në rrjetet sociale teksa shkruan…
Kreu i Urgjencës Kombëtare, Skënder Brataj anëtar i Komitetit Teknik i pyetur në studion e lajmeve në “News…
Zëvendësministrja e Shëndetësisë, Eugena Tomini tha mbrëmjen e djeshme se karantina e plotë do të jetë guri i…
A new event happened at the Infectious Disease Hospital, where a patient with coronavirus was thrown from...
Actress Monika Lubonja has tested positive for coronavirus. She gave the news herself with a post on...
There are three areas in Tirana where the risk of infection by the coronavirus is greater. It's about…
The head of the Democratic Party made a strong statement regarding the opening of schools in the time of the coronavirus.
Model Vildane Zeneli says that she has taken the Covid-19 test 30 times. She has published in…