Video/ The reason why Kiara does not wear her wedding rings is revealed
Moderator Kiara Tito has shown that she no longer wears wedding rings on her finger. She shows that...
Moderator Kiara Tito has shown that she no longer wears wedding rings on her finger. She shows that...
Moderatorja Kiara Tito dhe këngëtari Luiz Ejlli kanë festuar sot 1-vjetorin e puthjes dhe së lidhjes së tyre.…
Ashtu sikurse Luiz Ejlli, edhe bashkëshortja e tij, Kiara Tito e ka kujtuar 1 shkurtin me shumë emocion.…
Sot bëhet një vit, që kur këngëtari Luiz Ejlli dhe moderatorja Kiara Tito shkëmbyen puthjen e tyre të…
Moderator Kiara Tito has posted a photo, where you can see a very funny moment from the attitude of...
Moderatorja Kiara Tito ka falenderuar “strateget” e saj, të cilat disa ditë më parë i kanë përgatitur një…
Moderatorja Kiara Tito dhe këngëtari Luiz Ejlli ndajnë shpesh në rrjetet sociale detaje nga jeta e tyre e…
Moderator Kiara Tito has posted some photos of her rounded belly. She shows that she is in the week of…
Moderator Kiara Tito has announced that her cousin has passed away. Through an Instastory, she expresses…
Moderator Kiara Tito celebrated her 28th birthday today. She posted a photo on social networks, where…