The singer Filloreta Raçi, known as Fifi, reacted after the statements that Juliana Nura made after the elimination from "Dancing With The Stars".
Juliana expressed her disappointment with the jury and, among other things, mentioned Fifi, saying that she could be declared the winner because of the history with Top Channel.
"Dear Juliana Nura, I didn't remove you from DWTS, you removed yourself because you didn't have your legs but your mouth. Please, dear, don't tarnish my work, sacrifice and dedication to this show. There, a professional jury that you insulted and an audience that I have made for myself for years on stage with my art and work are voting. It's a production that saved you a lot and didn't bring out your scenes that you know very well. You're forgetting that you signed a contract and you're talking too much. You're putting out untruths that you don't have to discuss." writes Fifi among others.
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