The former resident of Big Brother VIP 3, Elvis Myrta, was invited to "Wake Up", where he talked about his experience.
When you came out you told Romeo not to mess with Graciano because he is not the target. What is the objective then?
There are some other strong players. Romeo is one of the main contenders to win, but I don't see Graciano as a strong player, he should not be focused on. Juli is strong, Ilnisa is not a strong competitor, she can go to the final but not to win. Erjola has a very good logic and if he gets into the game, he will create jobs for other players. There is a frightening logic to it. Erjola used 2-3 words to push her shoulders against the wall, especially Ilnisa for example. I don't know what she looks like from the outside, but she is very strong.
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