AstraZeneca responds: There is no evidence of an increased risk of pulmonary embolism
The pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca, in a statement to the media on Sunday, reiterated that its vaccine against COVID-19 results…
The pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca, in a statement to the media on Sunday, reiterated that its vaccine against COVID-19 results…
The very well-known and beloved actress, Margarita Xhepa, received today the second dose of...
We don't know if Tirana will be snowed again or not, but what we do know is...
The weather today will be rainy and low temperatures. in mountainous areas from -2°C to 05°C...
Zëri i Amerikës shkruante dje se Italia, Danimarka, Norvegjia dhe Islanda janë disa nga vendet që kanë pezulluar…
I vetmi që nuk reagoi dje për inicdentin tek zyrat e Partisë Fryma e Re Demokratike ishte kryeministri…
Moti sot do të jetë me vranësira, por temperaturat do të rriten. në zonat malore, nga 00°C në…
After the clash of President Ilir Meta with the Municipal Police, the Chairman of the Democratic Party, Lulzim Basha, went to...
After the statements of the mayor of Tirana, Erion Veliaj against the president Ilir Meta, there was also a reaction from...
Partia Demokratike ka reaguar pas përplasjes së Presidentit Ilir Meta me Policinë Bashkiake tek zyrat e FRD-së. “Partia…