"You will bear legal responsibility", Xhensila Myrtezaj: You are smearing my name!
Bes Kallaku dhe Xhensila Myrtezaj kanë kryefjala e mediave prej disa ditësh. E mesa duket, këngëtarja ka vendosur…
Bes Kallaku dhe Xhensila Myrtezaj kanë kryefjala e mediave prej disa ditësh. E mesa duket, këngëtarja ka vendosur…
Vesel Kurtishaj, fituesi i “Big Brother 8” i ka propozuar martesë partneres së ti, këngëtares Frosina Muji. Ka…
Graciano Tagani u shfaq me të mbathura në dhomën e gjumit ku ishte Egla Ceno, dhe kjo gjë…
Lumbardh Salihu, u shpall fituesi i këtij edicioni të Big Brother Vip Kosova, duke rrëmbyer një çmim prej…
The former competitor of "Big Brother VIP", Ervin Gonxhi, invited to "Albania Live", showed the moment when Erjola Doçi felt...
Ledjona has expressed that she believes that the most real couple that can be created is Heidi and Romeo, since...
Moderator Arbana Osmani was asked by her fans if they will see her on television this season...
Actress Cubi Metkaj announced today that she will leave the morning show on MCN TV. "Friends...
Moderator Kiara Tito has shown that she no longer wears wedding rings on her finger. She shows that...
Moderator Roza Lati has shown in Big Brother VIP that her father loved her very much...