Queen Elizabeth and her son Charles wish Easter with the picture from the fairytale garden
Queen Elizabeth II is photographed with her son Charles in the flower garden of Frogmore House,…
Queen Elizabeth II is photographed with her son Charles in the flower garden of Frogmore House,…
Anxela Peristeri will take the Eurovision stage on the second night, on May 20, and will...
In her book "The Beauty of Living Twice", Sharon Stone tells a fact that...
The American singer of Albanian origin, Ava Max, spoke about her origins during an interview for "Spout...
Këngëtarja Fjolla Morina është dë.nu.ar me 6 vite burg, pasi u kap me ar.më në kufirin e Morinës.…
A documentary about the singer Tina Turner, an idol in music, for who knows how many generations in a row will show...
The pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca, in a statement to the media on Sunday, reiterated that its vaccine against COVID-19 results…
Duka i Cambridge ka reaguar pas intervistës së Dukës dhe Dukeshës së Sussex me Oprah Winfrey. Ai ka…
Deputetja Rudina Hajdari ka publikuar në rrjetet sociale një foto në ditën e lindjes së të atit, Azem…
(Demonstrata e grave për bukë dhe paqe – 8 Mars 1917, Petrograd, Rusi) Dita Ndërkombëtare e Gruas festohet…