Tjetër lajm tragjik! Solli në jetë fëmijën e saj, ndërron jetë nga Covid 28-vjeçarja
Një tjetër ngjarje tragjike ka ndodhur ditën e sotme në Elbasan, pasi një 28 vjeçare ka humbur jetën…
Një tjetër ngjarje tragjike ka ndodhur ditën e sotme në Elbasan, pasi një 28 vjeçare ka humbur jetën…
Një ngjarje e rëndë ka ndodhur sot në spitalin “Shefqet Ndroqi” ose COVID 2, ku një 17-vjeçar me…
The second dose of the vaccine against the coronavirus has started today. The first to…
During the last 24 hours, 17 citizens have lost their lives as a result of the coronavirus in Albania, making...
QSUT reacted after the 69-year-old patient who was infected with the coronavirus was thrown from the Infectious. According to QSUT,...
Po.lic.ia ka dhënë informacionin e saj zyrtar sa i përket hedhjes së pacientit 69-vjeçar nga Spitali Infektiv. “Më…
A new event happened at the Infectious Disease Hospital, where a patient with coronavirus was thrown from...
Actress Monika Lubonja has tested positive for coronavirus. She gave the news herself with a post on...
There are three areas in Tirana where the risk of infection by the coronavirus is greater. It's about…
Invited to the show "Vila 24" on News 24, epidemiologist Ilir Alimehmeti explained the importance of the mask...