Agron Llakaj edhe këngëtar! Bashkëpunon me këngëtarin e njohur
Aktori dhe moderatori i njohur, Agron Llaka më së fundmi ka vendosur t’i futet muzikës. Ai ka njoftuar…
Aktori dhe moderatori i njohur, Agron Llaka më së fundmi ka vendosur t’i futet muzikës. Ai ka njoftuar…
On July 29, singer Ermal Meta will return with a concert in Tirana. The news was made by...
Anxela Peristeri will take the Eurovision stage on the second night, on May 20, and will...
A documentary about the singer Tina Turner, an idol in music, for who knows how many generations in a row will show...
The singer Ermal Meta has faced some prejudices from Italian commentators who reminded him that he comes from...
The singer very well known all over the world for pop music and not only, but also for the beauty that...
Moderatori Ardit Gjebrea ka zbuluar se “Kënga Magjike” do të rikthehet në 21 mars. “Në 21 mars 2021…
Këngëtarja Albërie Hadërgjonaj feston sot ditëlindjen. Ajo mbush sot 45 vjeç! Dhe midis urimeve të shumta, ai më…
Popular DJ Erick Morillo has been found dead in Miami. According to the BBC, the news was made by...
Two daughters, three grandchildren and a kiss. The Pausini family's algebra of feelings has the names of Laura and...