The highest number of victims from COVID in the last 24 hours in Albania
During the last 24 hours, 17 citizens have lost their lives as a result of the coronavirus in Albania, making...
During the last 24 hours, 17 citizens have lost their lives as a result of the coronavirus in Albania, making...
QSUT reacted after the 69-year-old patient who was infected with the coronavirus was thrown from the Infectious. According to QSUT,...
Po.lic.ia ka dhënë informacionin e saj zyrtar sa i përket hedhjes së pacientit 69-vjeçar nga Spitali Infektiv. “Më…
A new event happened at the Infectious Disease Hospital, where a patient with coronavirus was thrown from...
The week started with clear weather, so even today the day is warm and sunny. Learned...
Moti sot do të jetë me diell, vranësira dhe shi, pra i paqëndrueshëm. Temperaturat do të varijojnë: -në…
Even on the weekend, the weather will be clear and partly cloudy. Temperatures will vary: -in…
Today the weather will be sunny and partly cloudy. Temperatures will vary: - in mountainous areas,...
The weather today will be sunny and partly cloudy. Temperatures will vary: - in mountainous areas,...
Meteorologia Adiola Bami jep parashikimin e motit për gjithë javën, por edhe për muajin nëntor. “Kjo javë do…