The oilman in Ballsh is on the tip of his nose, he appeals to Rama: Lower the salary of MP pigs
On the 16th day of their protest, an oil worker in Ballsh exploded against the government. "Lower the salary...
On the 16th day of their protest, an oil worker in Ballsh exploded against the government. "Lower the salary...
Ditën e djeshme plasi sherri në emisionin “Përputhen” në Top Channel. Pjesë e debatit të nxehtë u bë…
Today, 89 years ago, the poet Dritëro Agolli was born in Menkulas, Devolli district near Korça.
Një i ri, 28-vjeçar ka humbur jetën si pasojë e koronavirusit. Bëhet fjalë për arkitektin Geri Lika. Lajmin…
Edhe sot moti në vendin tonë do të jetë me reshje shiu. Temperaturat do të variojnë: -në zonat…
The General Director of the State Police, Ardi Veliu, declared today that from Thursday every citizen forced...
Arantia Haradinaj, the wife of the former prime minister of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, has a birthday today. The news was announced by...
Football player Cristiano Ronaldo has declared that the cycle with his national team will end soon. "Cup of...
The morning started out sunny, but it looks like the day will be rainy. Temperatures will vary: -in…
Specialistja e ISHP-së, Sliva Bino është shëruar nga virusi. Lajmin e bën me dije ministrja e Shëndetësisë, Ogerta…