Ueda and Arlind have shared with emotion the first moment when they realized that they will become parents.
They also revealed a detail we didn't know until now. The couple lives with Arlindi's family members in the same apartment.
Ueda: To say that it was planned is difficult, but we are adults and we know what we are doing. It has come to us more like a thing that we have loved.
It's a little funny story, a little funny because when I took the test, the paper was in German and I didn't know how to read it. He was positive
Even when I did it, I came downstairs, Lindi says: Hey, how did it turn out?
I said: "No, I don't think so, but I don't understand that I have all these symptoms."
I was surprised because I told him I was 100 percent sure I was. I was a little upset. We ate bread, I don't even know, I was very surprised
When we ran upstairs and Lindi saw the paper, she said: "Oh baby, it's positive"
Arlind: Then we said okay, it's not an everyday thing. We broke up with my parents, they stay downstairs, and we stay upstairs, and I said: "Okay, let's call mom"
"Mom, mom, come on up," he said to me, "what's up?"
He was seeing that Ueda was not understanding, he was crying, his eyes were full of tears, and he said: "Oh my God, what happened, he got scared at that moment"
"No, no", I said, we have something to tell you "Ueda is burdened", the tears are bad.
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