Video/ Her brother enters the house of BBV3, Ilnisa, forced not to meet him, bursts into tears
The residents of Big Brother VIP 3 are faced with a very difficult challenge today. One of the residents...
The residents of Big Brother VIP 3 are faced with a very difficult challenge today. One of the residents...
Ish-banorja e Big Brother VIP 2, Mikela Pupa ka zënë vendin e Ledjona Xheladinajt te emisioni “Piranjat”. Në…
The singer Xhensila Myrtezaj started the day with panic, as her son Amen had the vaccination today...
Invited to the show "Mos i bjer me top", Meri Shehu spoke about a topic which...
The commentator of Big Brother VIP 3, Ori Nebijaj, has shared an expression on Instastory with her followers...
Astrologia Meri Shehu ka qenë e ftuar në rubrikën “Mos i bjer me top” në “E diell”, ku…
Astrologia Meri Shehu ka treguar një histori tronditëse në rubrikën “Mos i bjer me top” në E diell.…
Actor Olsi Bylyku has broken his silence after leaving Big Brother VIP 3. His post on Instagram:…
After breaking the rules set by the production, condemning himself and the residents to not have water for several…
Singer Endrik Beba was the resident who left the Big Brother VIP house tonight...