Video/ Kiara responds to followers: Here's what we did today with Luiz
Moderator Kiara Tito and singer Luiz Ejlli have shown that they took pregnancy photos. In a post…
Moderator Kiara Tito and singer Luiz Ejlli have shown that they took pregnancy photos. In a post…
Moderator Kiara Tito has had a virtual conversation with her followers on Instagram. One of them...
Actress Olta Gixhari has published the gender of the baby she will give birth to very soon. She has…
Actress Olta Gixhari has published on Instagram some other pictures from the party, where she revealed the gender of...
The singer Luiz Ejlli has posted on Instastories, the video of a little girl, who sings the song of...
Moderatorja Kiara Tito ka bërë një bisedë virtuale me ndjekësit e saj në Instagram. “Na thuaj ndonjë zënkë…
Actress Olta Gixhari has published the footage of the moment, when the gender of the baby was revealed, that she is having...
Është ndarë nga jeta “Mbretëresha e valles shqiptare”, Liljana Cingu. Lajmin e ka bërë me dije Teatri i…
Mbreti Charles III po përballet me një tjetër betejë shëndetësore. Pallati Buckingham zbuloi sot se Mbreti vuan nga…
Balerina e njohur shqiptare, Klaudia Pepa e ftuar në programin e njohur italian, “Verissimo” nuk i mbajti dot…