The singer Shpat Kasapi was invited to the show "E Diell" some time ago, where he claimed that he had abused his ex-girlfriend.
For Ronaldo Sharka's column "Don't play with the ball", Kasapi said that he turned into a violent person at the age of 25-26, due to excessive jealousy.
"It was a certain moment when I was young. Something was true, too much jealousy takes its toll." declared Shpati in the interview given.
This statement of the singer faced harsh criticism not only from the public but also from well-known public figures. While in a recent interview, Shpati said that his statement was misunderstood, while he also asked for a public apology.
"I laughed at that story because I treated it as something that happened to me when I was a child. I apologize but they misunderstood. I ask the portals not to take them and create such misunderstandings", said the singer.
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