“Corriere Della Sera” writes that the blogger Chiara Ferragni and her rapper husband, Fedez, have separated.
According to the Italian media, the cause of the separation was the recent legal problems of the businesswoman and influencer, Chiara Ferragni.
"Since last year's Sanremo, the love story between the two had blossomed, but the influencer had postponed any decision to stay close to her sick husband. However, when she found herself in trouble, Fedez was less generous, charging that her legal problems were taking a toll on his business. A blame game in which Fedez raised the tone of the conflict as she tried to keep the situation under control. Then the rapper with his assistant fled to Miami and finally left the house." Dagospia writes, Corriere broadcasts.
Further Corriere Della Sera has described a panorama of what the Italian rapper has posted on the Instagram social network.
"Fedez's latest Instagram stories (dating back to Wednesday, February 21) appear to have been posted from somewhere other than the luxury CityLife apartment in Milan the former couple moved into last November. In the last few hours, Ferragni has published two Stories which seem to suggest a change. The entrepreneur also shared an image of a book with a dedication: “In life, winning and losing will both happen. What is never acceptable is to stop." And then another page, where it reads "The power is not out there, it's inside you." And then a video of her doing pilates at home while the news of the breakup was already public.", writes Corriere Della Sera.
There is still no confirmation of the news from the couple. We remember that they are parents of two children, Leone and Vittoria.
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