Fri. Nov 22nd, 2024

"You can suck my poison", Meri Shehu tells about the fight in the elevator with Erjola Doçi

Invited to the show "Mos i bjer me top", Meri Shehu spoke about a topic that had not been discussed in public before.

Astrology has long been a neighbor of Erjola in the same palace. She told in an interview with Ronaldo Sharka about the 'fight' that the pair had in the elevator, when they happened to be together.

"When we were on the show "Trotuar", Erjola, being the sign of the twins, labeled me in the eyes of everyone, saying that I am a Gemini so that you, as a Scorpio, can absorb the poison. I also returned with mine, but what else do you breathe? But I didn't know that one day Erjola would be a neighbor in my building, she on the fifth floor, I on the third floor. We met by chance in the elevator and I said you are the one who will suck the Scorpion poison on me? Here we are both inside the elevator, you can suck me. Erjola crouches in a corner of the elevator and says: 'Shame on you, what are you telling me?' I told him, you also told him on TV", said Mary.

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