Fri. Jul 12th, 2024

"Reuters" has published a video on its Facebook page, where several Kosovar Albanians are seen jumping from the bridge and ending up in the river.

"Divers plunged off a bridge in Pristina in an annual competition that draws large crowds to the Kosovo city", writes Reuters.

While one commenter writes: "There is no bridge in Pristina. What are you talking about?… This is a bridge near Gjakova and Prizren and we call it 'Ura e Fshenjte'. It is about 80 km from Pristina and I am sure that many Pristinas have not heard of it".

Yesterday, in the village of Fshaj in the Municipality of Gjakova, a jumping competition was held from the "Ura e Fshejte" and Evald Kurnič, from Tuzi, was announced as the winner of the 20-meter jump. / Labyrinth

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