Ronaldo Sharka nuk dorëzohet: Do futem sërish në BBV!
Moderatori Ronaldo Sharka ka reaguar me një postim në rrjetet sociale, pas daljes së tij për herë të…
Moderatori Ronaldo Sharka ka reaguar me një postim në rrjetet sociale, pas daljes së tij për herë të…
Commentators on social networks are often harsh with Cristiano Ronaldo's partner. Georgina Rodriguez has posted some…
Aktori i humorit, Florian Binaj ka ironizuar banoren e Big Brother Vip, Efi Dhedhes. Ai shkruan në “InstaStory”:…
Residents inside Big Brother Vip have created their own government. Christi was elected president, and since…
The General Director of RTSH, Enkelejdi Joti, has resigned, as he is expected to take the post of Deputy Minister of...
Minister Mirela Kumbaro has announced that the Council of Ministers has decided to designate areas that...
Actress Olta Gixhari met Armaldo Kllogjeri outside the Big Brother Vip house. Olta has published a...
Moderator Dojna Mema has been asked by her followers on Instagram when she will return to the screen.
Arjan Konomi ka reaguar ashpër ndaj dy opinionistëve të Big Brother Vip. Ai shprehet se, debatet e Arbër…
“Pritjes i erdhi fundi”, shkruan Ina Ejlli, motra e Luiz Ejllit në Instagram, por nuk dihet nëse i…