Five tips to transform your health from a 75-year-old fitness enthusiast and her daughter
Joan MacDonalds, who is known as one of the fitness influencers on Instagram and daughter, Michelle MacDonald…
Joan MacDonalds, who is known as one of the fitness influencers on Instagram and daughter, Michelle MacDonald…
This is Joan MacDonald, now 75 years old and an Instagram influencer with 1 million followers. Everything…
Mbi 1100 dietologë rekomandojnë ushqimet e mëposhtme si më të mirat për vitin 2022. Ushqimet e fermentuara zenë…
Kryeministri Edi Rama tha në konferencën me gazetarët në Uashington, se Rusia nuk është një vend armik. “S’kemi…
The police have found a girl who had been missing since 2019. The girl was found hiding under…
Meteorologia Lajda Porja, nga Meteoalb thotë se temperaturat do rriten që nga dita e enjte. Sipas saj ato…