The incident, Basha goes to the FRD: I tell the wounded beast, it cannot frighten the people
After the clash of President Ilir Meta with the Municipal Police, the Chairman of the Democratic Party, Lulzim Basha, went to...
After the statements of the mayor of Tirana, Erion Veliaj against the president Ilir Meta, there was also a reaction from...
Partia Demokratike ka reaguar pas përplasjes së Presidentit Ilir Meta me Policinë Bashkiake tek zyrat e FRD-së. “Partia…
“Përpjekje për grusht shteti”, e quajti presidenti Ilir Meta prezencën e Policisë Bashkiake të zyrat e FRD-së. Ai…
Almost all of Italy will become a red zone on April 3, 4, 5, which coincides with the Feast...